A study by Astound Commerce Insight found that a brand’s website is important for several reasons. More than half of customers surveyed want to research and shop directly from a brand’s website as opposed to a retailer. In addition, customers have certain expectations of a brand’s site, such as comprehensive guides and information as well as an engaging experience that provides a heightened sense of the brand’s values and identity.
Many experts recommend redesigning your website every two to three years. In fact, a study by Orbit Media showed that the lifespan of the average website is just 2 years and 7 months. However, there are some instances when you really ought to do it much sooner.
Learn about some significant factors that could help you determine whether it is time to refresh your website’s design.
1. Not Mobile Friendly
Making sure your website is optimized for mobile is no longer optional; it is an absolute must. As of February 2017, mobile devices accounted for more than 49% of webpage views globally. Google reports that conversions can fall by up to 20% for every second delay in mobile page load.
In addition, 50% of B2B search queries today are made on smartphones. That number is expected to grow to 70% by 2020.
Mobile devices account for more than 49% of webpage views globally.Click To Tweet2. Lack of Seamless Functionality
Of course, not everyone who visits your website does so from their phone. Potential customers might view your page from their desktop, laptop, tablet or any combination of internet-enabled devices. If they do not experience a smooth transition while accessing your site from various entry points, there is a good chance they will go elsewhere.
Your website should be responsive and easy to navigate no matter what technology your customers are using.
3. Outdated Appearance
Your site should have a sleek, modern and appealing design that demonstrates your brand’s comprehension of current trends and technology. There is no longer a standard screen size and scrolling is no longer off-putting to website users.
Because of this, there is no need to keep content “above the fold.” In addition, you want to be sure your site features a clean and uncluttered design, web-safe typography and professional images.
4. Updated Branding
If you have made changes to your brand image, such as promo items, packaging, and social media content, it is crucial that your website reflects these modifications. Web design is a vital piece of your brand marketing.
Your site’s appearance should always be consistent with everything else you offer, from online content to physical products.
5. High Bounce Rate
It is important to note that bounce rates can vary greatly depending on the type of website. Benchmarks can range from 20% – 45% for e-commerce and retail websites, to 25% – 55% for B2B websites, to 60% – 90% for landing pages, blogs and other types of sites. That said, a high bounce rate indicates that visitors are not engaging with your website and a website refresh might be in order.
Think design and user experience improvements, improved copywriting, faster page loading times and outstanding content.
6. Business Growth
When your brand has blossomed, it is definitely appropriate to consider a site makeover. The necessary addition of new pages can make navigation clunky and diminish a streamlined appearance. In addition, you likely have a clearer focus for your brand’s future, which can dictate pertinent changes to your website.
When your brand has blossomed, it is definitely appropriate to consider a site makeover.Click To Tweet7. Customer Feedback
If visitors are posting comments, sending messages informing you of issues they experience on your site or even leaving behind clues, take note.
Customers who have a tough time finding what they need, experience frustration with unresponsive pages or frequently abandon shopping carts are excellent indications that now is the time to update your website.
8. Doesn’t Stand Up to Competition
Keeping an eye on your closest competitors is always wise, and web design is no different. If a rival brand offers similar products or services but has a faster, sleeker website filled with higher quality, more valuable content, your brand will come out on the losing end.
Look for ways to keep your site a step ahead and a level above your competition.
9. It’s On Your Mind
If you have been wondering whether your website would benefit from an upgrade, chances are good it will. Listing any concerns you have, issues you are aware of and changes you would like to see might give you a better idea of how your brand could benefit from a refreshed website.
Regularly conducting a site audit is advisable, as well, and can give you a much more comprehensive understanding of your site’s performance.
If any (or several) of these factors resonate with you, now could be the ideal time to update your website. A bit of time and effort now can bring substantial benefits in the future.

Writer, editor and client advocate specializing in reputation management, content marketing, technology and non-profit topics.